Cedar Sky Farms
Cedar Sky Farm was founded in 2010 on a 30-acre hobby farm with an orchard consisting of peach, plum, apricot, nectarine, apple, cherry, pear, pecan, walnut, and chestnut trees. In addition to raising chickens, dairy goats, and livestock guardian dogs to protect them, the farm also includes restored native prairie grasses.
Other structures include the two-story farmhouse constructed of insulating concrete forms (ICFs), a ground source heating and cooling system, and large south-facing windows to maximize passive solar heating in the winter. A Quonset hut-style hay barn stands near the farmhouse. A unique feature at Cedar Sky Farm is the wood-fired earth oven.
Future projects will include straw bale structures with earthen plaster to demonstrate alternative building materials, water catchment ponds, medicinal herb gardens, solar water heating systems, well water installation, culinary mushroom production, and heirloom grain plantings.